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Requirements Specification Document

User Requirements

ID Description Priority
UR_COOKS Cooks must have the ability to move. High
UR_CUSTOMERS Customers must arrive and have a timer which will go down slowly. If a dish is not served in time then the demand score is decremented. High
UR_GAMEMODES This entails two game modes: a scenario gamemode with a set amount of customers to serve in a limited time, and an endless gamemode where you play until you run out of points. High
UR_STATIONS These are areas where cooks can chop raw vegetables, cook and flip patties, bake raw ingredients, serve, pick up ingredients and a counter for customers to wait. High
UR_RECIPES This includes recipes for salad, burger, pizza and jacket potatoes. High
UR_SHOP A menu where cooks can invest money into buying new stations and recipes after the game is over. They will also be able to call other cooking staff back from leave. Low
UR_IDLE An idle mode where the game will play itself if nobody is playing. High
UR_ACCESSIBILITY The game will be played by a lot of different people on an open-day, some may be far away from the screen and the environment will be noisy; as such, it should be accessible to all. High

Functional Requirements

ID Description User Requirements
FR_COOKS_MOVEMENT The cooks will move up, down, left and right with the given input using a keyboard. UR_COOKS
FR_COOKS_SWITCH The user will be able to switch cooks by pressing a key. UR_COOKS
FR_COOKS_FLIP Must have the ability to flip items on the stove. This must be done before patty burns. UR_COOKS
FR_COOKS_CHOP Must have the ability to chop items at the relevant station.. UR_COOKS
FR_COOKS_GRAB Cooks must be able to grab items and can hold up to 2 items, one in each hand. UR_COOKS
FR_COOKS_PLACE Cooks must be able to place items down in the same order they picked them up in. UR_COOKS
FR_CUSTOMER_ARRIVE Customers arrive at random time intervals and request a recipe with a dialog box that includes the required ingredients. In the scenario they will arrive on their own, then later in groups. UR_CUSTOMERS
FR_GAMEMODE_1 A scenario game mode where a configurable number of customers arrive who must be served in the time limit. Requires reputation points to complete. UR_GAMEMODES
FR_GAMEMODE_2 An “endless” game mode where customers will arrive until all reputation points are lost. The number of customers served before all points are lost serves as the score. UR_GAMEMODES
FR_COOKING_STATION_1 Must have an area where cooks are able to chop raw vegetables. Vegetables must be cut properly. UR_STATIONS
FR_COOKING_STATION_2 Must have an area where cooks are able to cook and flip patties. This must be done within a time limit otherwise the patties will burn and end up discarded. UR_STATIONS
FR_COOKING_STATION_3 This is the baking section where cooks are able to bake raw ingredients. UR_STATIONS
FR_SERVING_STATION This is an area where cooks can place the complete dishes and customers can receive their order. UR_STATIONS
FR_INGRIDENT_STATION This is an area where cooks can pick up raw ingredients to prepare. These will automatically be replenished and cooks can pick up multiple at once. UR_STATIONS
FR_COUNTER This is an area where the customers will wait for their order. UR_STATIONS
FR_RECIPE_1 This recipe for salads contains chopped lettuce, chopped tomatoes and chopped onions. They must be stacked on a plate. UR_RECIPES
FR_RECIPE_2 This recipe for burgers contains a fried patty (must be formed first) and a toasted bun. These must be stacked on a plate. UR_RECIPES
FR_RECIPE_3 This recipe for pizzas contains a base, a sauce and a topping, all stacked and then cooked. UR_RECIPES
FR_RECIPE_4 This recipe for jacket potatoes contains a cooked potato and a topping, both stacked on a plate. UR_RECIPES
FR_RECIPE_DISPLAY Recipes will be displayed as pictures of the ingredients to make up the order. UR_RECIPES
FR_SCORE A variable that initially starts at 3. When a customer’s demand is not met, it will decrease. UR_CUSTOMERS
FR_CUSTOMER_WAIT Customers will wait at a counter while their order is being prepared. If they wait too long then there will be a point penalty. UR_CUSTOMERS
FR_CUSTOMER_DEMAND When a customer arrives they will request an item and give a time limit. If this isn’t completed within the time limit then there will be a point penalty. UR_CUSTOMER
FR_MONEY One of the score metrics. If a customer is served within the time frame, the player will be rewarded with some money. UR_SHOP
FR_SHOP_MENU A menu where the player can spend money on more stations and cooks. UR_SHOP
FR_IDLE_MODE An option in the game menu where the user can choose to not play. Enabling it will force the game into the above described idle mode. UR_IDLE
FR_TIMER To ensure the scenario game mode doesn’t go on for too long, there will be a clear timer that the user can always see for time management UR_GAMEMODES

Non-Functional Requirements

ID Description User Requirements Fit Criteria
NFR_MOVE_ACCESSIBLE The game should have basic controls that are intuitive and easy to learn. UR_MOVE, UR_ACCESSIBILITY People of all ages and abilities should be able to move.
NFR_GAME_SHORT The game should be short as people will be playing it on the open-day UR_GAMEMODES Scenario mode < 5 minutes
NFR_CONTROL_RESPONDS The response time should be real-time and instant. UR_MOVE The controls should have instance > 0.01 seconds
NFR_STACKING_ITEMS The items should be able to be stacked in any order. UR_RECIPES Prepped ingredients need to be present.
NFR_COOKING_TIME Chopping and cooking should be completed in reasonable time. UR_INTERACT Takes > 5 seconds
NFR_CUSTOMER_DEMAND Must allow for enough time to complete the recipe. UR_CUSTOMER Demand > 60 seconds
NFR_SWITCH Switching must be fast and responsive. UR_SWITCH Only slight cooldown time < 1 second
NFR_WAITING The game must provide an easy way of seeing recipe requests and the time left to complete. UR_CUSTOMER Have a bar telling which customers have ordered and the remaining time per order
NFR_AUDIO_CUES The game should have audio cues on actions that are relevant and recognisable. UR_COOKS_INTERACT Audio will make the game more engaging and serve as additional confirmation.
NFR_ENGAMENT It should be fun and easy to play. UR_GAMEMODES The game should be engaging for all users
NFR_DIFFICULTY The game should be easy to pick up and play by anyone regardless of how much experience they have. UR_GAMEMODES Ensure people can understand how to play regardless of age, experience and language.
NFR_ACCESSIBILITY The game must be designed with the fact that it’ll be played in a busy environment. UR_ACCESSIBILITY The game must not rely on one identifier too much, such as sound, colour or text.

Constraint Requirements

  • Stakeholder: The University of York Communications Office
  • Customers: Lectures
  • All software use must be open source and free
  • Must be made in Java
  • Should run on any desktop PC